Start a co-living Residence Business Investment with Rukita

24 Aug 2022 - 24 Aug 2023

Start a profitable co-living residence business through Rukita and OCBC NISP collaboration #TinggalHitungUntung program to start the first step if you:

Cocok untuk anda yang:
Belum punya properti Pilih dari berbagai daftar properti yang sudah dianalisis tim Rukita, ajukan pembiayaan pembelian properti dari OCBC NISP untuk cicil angsuran sambil terima keuntungan dari penyewa
Sudah punya properti Konsultasikan pada Rukita untuk maksimalkan potensi properti melalui proses renovasi dengan pembiayaan dari OCBC NISP, pemasaran, hingga terima untung

Rukita is a property management company that focuses on co-living housing for long-term rentals. Rukita offers quality residential solutions in strategic locations, at affordable prices for the younger generation.

Advantages of #TinggalHitungUntung program:

✓ Complete financing facilities with competitive interest rates for property purchases (land & buildings), construction and renovations of up to IDR 10 billion with tenors of up to 10 years (houses) and 15 years (shophouses) that are flexible as needed.
✓ Interior consultation to business legality with Rukita experts, experienced in building more than 300 co-living properties.
✓ Manage payments to property maintenance easily through the app, without worrying about empty rooms.

General Terms and Conditions:

  1. This program applies specifically to the financing of co-living residence that will be converted into co-living residence through Rukita.
  2. The general criteria for the building include: having the potential to be converted into a rental residence that has a minimum of 15 rooms with private bathrooms, communal spaces and property locations in areas with the potential for the co-living residential market according to the results of the analysis of the Rukita team
  3. Valid for individual and business entity (PT/CV) customers
  4. The property to be collateralized is included in the Jabodetabek coverage area
  5. The financing offered includes:
    • Purchase of property, both land and buildings, with a maximum cash loan limit of IDR 10 billion, worth up to 90% of the property value, with a maximum repayment period of 15 years
    • Construction or renovation financing with a maximum cash loan limit of IDR 10 billion, worth up to 80% of the financing value, with a maximum repayment period of 10 years
  6. The required documents include:
    Deskripsi Karyawan Pengusaha Profesional
    Rekening tabungan/rekening koran untuk 6 (enam) bulan terakhir
    Slip gaji asli 1 (satu) bulan terakhir
    Fotokopi Akta Pendirian Perseroan & Perubahan (untuk PT dan CV)
    Fotokopi SIUP/TDP/Surat Keterangan Domisili atau dokumen sejenis
    Fotokopi Surat Ijin Praktek/SK Pengangkatan dari Instansi Terkait
    Fotokopi Sertifikat, IMB, AJB, dan PBB Terakhir*
    Dokumen lainnya sesuai kebutuhan bank

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